How Can You Live Abundantly, With Prosperity, And In Harmony With Yourself?
When you live a life which is out of line with your basic purpose or mission, there’s a part of you which always knows it is being cheated of its true expression.
That’s your inner voice, your soul, speaking.
This is the part of you that makes you look in the mirror and wonder how you arrived right where you are, right now – and then makes you question what happened to the dreams you had as a child, teenager and young adult.
Although this may sound sad, it doesn’t need to be. Even if you’re well aware that you’re not living the life that’s right for you, you can always find your mission or purpose, get back on track, and live it more fully.
But we’re not living in a society which has the ceremonies and the skills and the elders who might help us find our path, so many people struggle for a lifetime trying to discover what it is they are meant to be doing.
Before they die, unfulfilled, never having discovered this.
(See The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying at the bottom of this page.)
On the other hand, as long as you’re constantly working towards manifesting your true purpose in life, it’s fair to say that there is no such thing as a mistake, just “learning experiences” which can help you find your true path.
Now, you may or may not believe that there is one specific purpose that you’ve been put on the earth to fulfill, but suppose for a minute that were true.
How would that change your vision of the future and what you wanted from life?
In fact, consider this question: could it be that you’re not following your true path because you believe “there’s no money in it for you” or “you can’t afford to make the change”?
So many people want to make changes, feel trapped, don’t know how to find the thing it is they need to do. Most commonly, this is because they feel trapped by money (or the lack of money).
Indeed, most people think money is a one way ticket to freedom.
For most of us money represents a solution to all our problems, which is why so many people spend so much time trying to manifest it using the Law of Attraction.
Yet those who write about fulfillment generally say “follow your heart and the money will follow” – or some variation of that philosophy.
What they’re saying is that all we need to do is follow our soul’s path, rely on our intuition to take us along our own individual path, and that somehow prosperity and abundance will come naturally.
What a fearful prospect for the majority of us! Abandoning what we know…. for the unknown…..
Eckhart Tolle: Your Soul Purpose
The Law Of Attraction Never Fails – You Just Have To Trust It
Most of us aren’t in touch with our souls, and we certainly don’t know what our soul purpose might be. The very idea that we have a soul purpose may even frighten us.
So for all our lives something, somewhere in our souls remains unsatisfied and the question is always present, rarely expressed: “How will I feel if I die, never having fulfilled myself and manifested my purpose and potential?”
No wonder, therefore, that we start trying to manifest money using the Law of Attraction.
We perceive money as a commodity that can give us power and freedom and control over what happens to us – including the opportunity to manifest our deepest desires.
Wow! What a paradox!
Does money come before we discover our true purpose, or does money come from discovering our true purpose?
The fact is – it can happen either way round. Just as well, really.
We live in a society where materialistic values rule. We are all in some way dependent on having enough money to sustain our lives. And most of us don’t have the mechanisms to look into ourselves, discover our true purpose, and make it manifest.
Video – Manifesting Money
So What’s The Solution?
Deborah Price – in her book Money Magic – suggests that it’s important to know the difference between abundance and prosperity. She defines abundance as having plenty – or more than enough. And she defines prosperity as being successful or fortunate.
Most of us think that prosperity means we need to have a fortune in the bank account. Yet true prosperity comes in many different forms – it’s the reward of following a path which matches your basic life purpose.
Some of those forms of prosperity are – love, contentment, happiness, true friendship and companionship. And more.
Indeed, prosperity is usually the product of following your path to fulfillment – your individual mission or purpose in life (I use the words interchangeably).
When anyone discovers – or to put it more accurately, recovers – this part of themselves, they truly begin to shine in their magnificence.
Yet many people fail to discover their gift because they are constricted by the belief that the expression of their gift must have something to do with their occupation or vocation – in other words, how they earn money.
The fact of the matter is that what you do to earn money will not always reflect who you truly are.
And those who manage to find a connection between their spiritual path (i.e. their mission or purpose) and the way they and their livelihood are indeed truly blessed.
In part, it’s a lack of faith or vision that prevents us from seeing how often our livelihood and purpose can be intertwined.
Most people seem to believe that earning money by following your path in life is the exception rather than the rule.
That’s because so many people are restricted by fear, or possibly because they simply choose to see life that way.
In reality, when someone steps on to their path with complete commitment, the universe produces miracles of manifestation which facilitate their progress.
What is needed to achieve this happy state is both faith, and surrender.
Yet all is not lost if you are not yet in a place where you can generate enough faith to surrender to the “will” of the universe.
All that the Law of Attraction requires to operate for you, just as it does for everyone else, is your belief in what you’re trying to manifest, your expectancy that it will do so, and your intense desire to have that outcome in your life, and some action which will bring it towards you.
If this is how you choose to approach manifestation then you could usefully consider how you might express your true gifts and talents separately from the way you earn your living.
Top 5 Regrets Of the Dying
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
See it all at Bronnie Ware’s blog:
See the book based on her experiences (the link will take you there):